Member Spotlight

October, 2020

W. Scott McEver

Name: W. Scott McEver

Section: Tenor 1

What drew you to join the chorus?

I was encouraged to join the chorus by a friend who joined the group for its inaugural concert in 2012. After attending that very first concert I was excited to reconnect with choral singing, something I hadn’t pursued in almost 20 years.

What do you enjoy most about being in the chorus? 

There are three things I most enjoy: the singing, the sense of community, and being a part of an artistic group that has and is experiencing growth in the way we sing and perform.

What value does being in the chorus bring to your life? 

The chorus provides a much needed distraction from the challenges and frustrations of daily life. It also has offered me a consistent outlet for creative expression and a place to try new things and expand upon my vocal and performance skills. The chorus has also remained a strong, supportive community for me during particularly stressful and difficult times in my own life.

Why is music/arts important to you?

Music, singing, and theater have been a significant part of my life for a long time, from participation in elementary and middle school choirs and childhood performances with the Houston Grand Opera to church youth choir summer concert tours and high school and college theater productions. Each of these experiences provided me the opportunity to express myself- to be myself. The HGMC allows me to continue my engagement with the arts and to do so in the most true and authentic way I can.

What is an interesting fact you would like our audience to know about you?

I have a collection of giraffe sculptures and figurines  I can sing several songs backwards, and my partner Patrick is also a member of the chorus.
