Member Spotlight

July, 2021

Alex D. Bowen

Name: Alex D. Bowen

What drew you to join the chorus?

I had moved to the area and wanted a creative outlet that wasn’t high pressure. The chorus was a supportive and loving group of people that were all there for a common goal of friendship and making beautiful music. I couldn’t miss the opportunity!

What do you enjoy the most about being in this chorus?

Seeing the people, we impact. Whether it’s an audience member moved by a song, a youth who is inspired to sing, or even the people we impact in our outreach efforts like our food drive. It makes me remember we can use our voices for GOOD in this world!

What value does being in the chorus bring to your life?

Love. The Chorus and our members are a daily reminder that no matter what walk of life you come from. We are all humans capable of love. Every person in the chorus, even if we aren’t very close, has shown me this since day one.

Why is music/arts important to you?

As the global community moves forward and innovates, so do the arts. Creative minds and the arts are needed in the world to both make and inspire change.

What is an interesting fact you would like our audience to know about you?

I’m also a comic!

Member Spotlight Archive

June, 2021

Jacob Lamoureux

May, 2021

Michael Massing

April, 2021

Arthur Massi

March, 2021

Tom Omlor

February, 2021

Scott Gray

January, 2021

Blake Sherman

December, 2020

Marcus G. Lawson

November, 2020

Vu Tran


W. Scott McEver


Dan Lupacchino


Ronald Rybnick, Jr.
